Peace and Development in Northeast
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The book is the outcome of a multidisciplinary study undertaken jointly by the Indian Institute of Public Administration and the North-Eastern Council. The study provides a comprehensive interface between a violence-free milieu and socioeconomic development. The remote location of the North-East from the rest of the country and certain continqencies of history and geography have led to a sense of deprivation and alienation among the people who feel that the region has not gained the fruits of development proportional to the resources available. The responses from the Police departments have brought out a very unique fact that over 71% of the villages in the region have not reported any incidence of crime for the last couple of years. While focusing on crimes of a violent nature in this region, the book underscores several admirable features obtaining here which are worthy of emulation. The social fabric is still intact. Respect for elders and consideration for women are very much in vogue. Democratic institutions at the grassroots level are very vibrant. The book brings out that the people of the region expect greater transparency, accountability and monitoring in governance, strict control on corruption and freedom to determine the developmental priorities since they know the local needs better. The key to improving the quality of life of the people of the region lies in shifting the focus from charity to promoting creativity and fostering confidence and capacity building. The book outlines several strategies which can help foster a holistic development of the region. The key message coming out of the exercise is that not only is the North-East tranquil and beautiful but also most of it is safe and secure.
P.L.Sanjeev Reddy, IAS ® is Director, Indian Institute o Public Administration, New Delhi, Since April 2002. A Ph.D in Industrial Management and an outstanding practitioner with robust research background, Dr. Sanjeev Reddy has had a distinguished career as Member of the Indian Administrative Service. Some of the important assignments held by him include DGFT, Secretary (Rural Development) and Secretary (Company Affairs). He has written extensively on corporate governance, poverty alleviation, rural housing and excellence in service delivery. Widely travelled, Dr. Sanjeev. Reddy has visited a number of countries like USA, UK, Canada, China, Malaysia and South Korea. He was the Project Director of the study on the North-East-Developmental Strategies and Violence Free Villages, jointly undertaken by IIPA and the NEC This study is now being issued in the form of a book. P.C. Shekar Reddy, B.Tech, from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, is associated with a number of sociocultural organisations. He is on the Board of Governors of Vaastu Kala Academy, College of Architecture and Vice Chairman, Institute for media Communication. He was also Consultant, CAPART (Ministry of Rural Development) and Coordinator of Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre (a premier national youth organisation). Shekar Reddy is the author of a number of monographs/articles like Report of the Working Group on Rural Cluster Development (International Angle. China TVEs, etc.), and Blueprints for Holistic Development of Andhra pradesh and Uttaranchal. He is at present Project Coordinator of the study on 'Impact of Restructuring of State Electricity Boards; jointly undertaken by IIPA and Ministry of Power. He had earlier functioned as the Project Coordinator of the study on which this book is based.
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