Migration and Human Variation
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Rs. 750.00
Central theme of the book is the effect of Migration on demographic aspect. Especially on fertility and mortality, growth pattern, anthropometric variables, and haematology among the Oraons – migrant tea garden labourers of West Bengal and sedente agriculturist of Jharkhand (the then Bihar). Attempts have also been made the effects are due to the factors associated with new habitats, migrant groups, - the Proto Australoid Oraon and Mongoloid Tamang tea labourers. Other Sarameters of comparison like family planning practice, age cohort, length of stay in the new residence and income levels of the two migrant groups have also been considered. This book will be useful for those who are concerned with the tea garden labours and for the post graduate students and researchers of Anthropology, Demography, Sociology, Ecology, Economics and Human Biology including Health Sciences. It will be of great use for the scientists, administrators, pology makers, planners, political and social activists and common publics. The issue of migration has long been a subject of discussion within almost all social and biological sciences.
Chumki Piplai (b. 1951) received both her M.Sc. (1972) and Ph.D. (1991) degree in Anthropology from the University of Calcutta. She was Assistant Anthropologist in Anthropological Survey of India, Kolkata. She has done extensive field work among various tribal communities and caste population of West Bengal, Jharkhand (Bihar) and Orissa. Her pioneering experience of 38 days field work, as woman Anthropologist, among the Jarawas of Andaman Islands require special mentioning. She has specialization, broadly, in the study of human biological aspect. She carried out different project works on anthropometry, demography serology, community genetics, craniometry, monograph and prehistory. Dr. Piplai is the author of more than 40 research papers, published in reputed Indian and Foreign professional journals. She also wrote some Bengali articles and 2 books (Bengali) on Jarawas of Andaman Islands and Genealogy, respectively. Life member of Indian Anthropological Society, Indian Society of Human Genetics; she was Associated on Member of Current Anthropology, USA. Presently Dr. Piplai is acting as the Secretary of Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies on Human Development (CISHD) – a voluntary organization committed to the holistic development of Humans.
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