Mass Media and National Integration
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This book is a compendium of seminar papers, during a two-day National Seminar on “Mass Media and National Integration: Freedom and Responsibility” on February 8th-9th 2018, organized by the Department of Mass Communication, Assam University, Silchar, Assam, India. The seminar has highlighted that the significance of media in educating and uniting the people is indubitable in this era of globalization. While the Indian media enjoy the utmost freedom of speech and expression through constitutional protection, there is a need to exercise such freedom with a sense of responsibility. Media needs to be positive and supportive in promoting unity in diversity as well as harmonious relations and friendly understanding among the communities for national integration and development.
The book incorporates thirty-seven chapters under the sub-themes Freedom of Press: Constitutional References, Representatives, Democracy and Media, Diversity, Integration and Media, Digital Media, Social Media and issues of national integration and unity, Mass Media and voice of people: marginalized sections of the democracy, Media and National Security, Film and National Integration, National Integration: common identity amongst the citizens (with special reference to North East India).
Many academicians, research scholars and media professionals all over India have contributed to this book. The prime focus of the book is to shed light on various dimensions of mass media towards integrating the society and the nation as a whole to find a conclusive line that can be helpful for all researchers, scholars, old and new media learners, planners and policy makers in formulating varied media policies and programmes.
About the Editors
PROF. (DR.) GYAN PRAKASH PANDEY (b.1959) is the Dean of Abanindranath Tagore School of Creative Arts and Communication Studies and also Head of the Department of Mass Communication, Assam (Central) University, Silchar. Prof. Pandey has several national and international awards for his academic scholarship as well as his glorious contributions to the field of journalism education. He has several nationally acclaimed books to his credit besides having a good number of research papers published in National and International research journals. His innovative researches on unexplored areas have been widely acclaimed by the academia. Prof. Pandey has produced nearly 30 Ph.D./M.Phil. Research Scholars and also completed two UGC Major Research Projects.
DR. PAROMITA DAS (b.1978) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mass Communication, Assam (Central) University, Silchar. She has published many subject based books on media related issues. She has coordinated many national and international seminars and conferences and has produced nearly 14 Ph.D. scholars. She has also produced and directed several documentaries on ethnic tribes for the small screen.
SUTAPA MISRA (b.1992) is presently a Doctoral Student in the Department of Mass Communication, Assam (Central) University, Silchar. She is pursuing her Ph.D. on New Media and focuses on its impact on conventional journalism practices in the era of media convergence in the view of Northeast India. Miss Misra has presented and got published research papers at several national and international seminars and conferences. Her interests include documentary and short filmmaking.
RAJASHREE GOSWAMI (b.1991) is a Research Scholar in the Department of Mass Communication, Assam (Central) University, Silchar. She has worked as Research Assistant and Research Investigator in UK ESRC project, Understanding and Governing the Global Business of Forced Labour, under the University of Sheffield and CS Centre for Women Studies, Tezpur University respectively. Miss Goswami has good number of papers to her credit.
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