Livelihood Promotions in North-East India
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Rs. 950.00
The book “Livelihood Promotions in North-East India: Issues and Challenges” covers the issues of livelihood promotions in the region. Livelihood promotions goes beyond generating income and employment. It incorporates the means and access to resources, opportunities and the conditions under which a person or group of persons are meaningfully occupied in a sustainable manner and with dignity. Thus, understanding of livelihood opportunities for the people, their socio-economic institutions under which they work, the institutional supports and interventions that have affected the different economic sectors and consequently, how the households and the society have adopted to various livelihood strategies are all equally important. This book deals with the various aspects of livelihood options and promotional issues at macro and micro levels in North-East Region in India.
B. KILANGLA JAMIR (b. 1966) is presently working as professor and Head, Department of Economics, Nagaland University, Lumami. She obtained M.A, Ph.D from North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya. She is guiding Ph.D scholars and involve in Research under minor and major projects. She has published several articles in reputed journals and organised conference in the department. She is involved in preparation of State Human Development report of Nagaland. She is specialised in Agricultural Economics, Developmental and Environmental Economics. She is a life member of many professional associations of economics and other women based NGOs.
GIRIBABU M. (b. 1975) had a distinguished academic record in Economics in Nagaland University after which he received M.Phil and Ph.D degrees from Hyderabad Central University, Hyderabad. He had wide experience in the field of Agricultural Economics and Developmental Economics. He has contributed more than twenty research articles to prestigious journals and presented papers in many national and international seminars, conferences and delivered lecturers in various academic programmemes. He is guiding Ph.D scholars and involve in research in different projects. He is also life member of various reputed associations like Indian Economic Association, Indian Society of Labour Economics, Indian Society of Agricultural Economics and Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing.
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