Ladakh-The Wonderland
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Rs. 180.00
Ladakh: The Wonderland, is the outcome of well over two years? intimate and affectionate contact with its people and over a decade of scholarly study by the author. It thus blends first hand field experience with considerable textual knowledge. The Geographical location of Ladakh makes it most challenging and fascinating to a visitor. Personally verified, cross-checked, and modified by the author. Nature has gifted Ladakh with the most wonderful mountain ranges, the sparkling rivers and the scintillating lakes which add to the beauty of the country side and serve as on Oasis in this vast and freezing high altitude desert. Fauna of Ladakh over-flows with an exotic variety of animals, and birds, Buddhistics dominate the area, but Muslims and Christians also live there and all the communities live in complete harmony. ?KIE-CHHA? the ancient name of Ladakh, was first mentioned by the famous Chinese pilgrim Fa-Hian who visited this land in the year 399-400 A.D. in the 13th Century, Marco Polo visited Ladakh while on his way to Kashmir, and described this area in the most eulogical terms. Ali Sher of Baltistan (West) invaded Ladakh, in the 16th Century. He plundered Leh, the capital town, barbarously destroyed the Holy relics of Lord Buddha, the Holy books and the historical records Huan-Tsang, the 7th Century, famous traveller of China visited this land of the changing colours. He described Ladakh is the most enchanting manner. Ladakh witnessed blood baths during the 18th Century from invaders coming from China and Baltistan. In the middle of the 19th Century Ladakh was finally conquered by one of the greatest generals of Maharaja Gulab Singh of Jammu and Kashmir viz. General Zorawer Singh who made this land an integral part of India. The readers will find themselves transported, through its descriptions, into the picturesque land of Ladakh, for long shrouded in mystery. It is an invitation to come to learn about a marvellous people, holy, mysterious, brave and humble.
Brigadier Teg Bahadur Kapur, AVSM: IA has had a brilliant career in the Indian Army. He was commissioned in 1942, in the 9/19 Hyderabad Regiment, now the Kumaon Regiment. During the world war II, he fought in the then NWFP of India, North Africa, Burma, Malaya, Singapore, Indonesia and Indo-China. After the Independence of the Country, he saw action in the Jammu and Kashmir operations during ’47, ’48 and 1949. In 1959-60 he commanded an Indian Force in the UNEF at the GAZA Strip. In 1965 he fought in Baltistan and north-west Ladakh. He was Chief of Staff of the international Control Commission, Indo-China from Sep. 1967 to 1968. In 1969, he took over as Director of Ceremonials and Welfare at the Army HQs and held this post up-to Dec. 1978. He was awarded the honourable wound medal during J & K operations, U.N. Peace medal in 1960 and another peace medal of the International Control Commission of Indo-China in 1968. He was decorated with AVSM, in Nov. 1972 for distinguished services of an exceptional order. He has already authored three books.
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