History Of Education In Assam
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History of Education in Assam-1826-1919 described the nature and progress of education in Assam from the commencement of East India Company?s rule in 1826 to the grant of diarchy in 1919. The introductory chapter provides the background wherein the salient features of the indigenous system of education as provided under the former Government has been indicated. Chapter I describes how the new system built in Assam on the ruins of the old attempted to conciliate the ex-official aristocracy. The progress of vernacular education and the experiments in Secondary and higher education through the medium of English have been analysed in chapter II. the reorientation and progress of education at all stages ? Primary, Secondary, Collegiate and Vocational ? have been discussed in chapter III. Adequate attention has been paid to other aspects in the next five chapters viz., curriculum and medium of instruction, training of the teachers, management and control, educational finance and education of the backward communities. The closing chapter assesses the achievements and failures during the period under review.
Dr. Archana Chakravarty (b. 1946) had all along a brilliant academic career, having topped in B.A. (Honours) and M.A. (History) Examinations from the University of Gauhati. She was awarded Ph.D. Degree in 1972 by the University of Gauhati. She started her career as lecturer in the Department of History, Cachar College under the University of Gauhati in 1970 and has been serving in that capacity for the last twenty years. Dr. Chakravarty has numerous publications to her credit and has contributed several original research papers dealing with political, economical and educational problems in Assam which were published in prestigious journals in India. She participated in many regional seminars and national conferences. She is an active life member of The Indian History Congress and North East India History Association. She is associated with many other well known educational and cultural organisations of India. A recipient of Suryya Kumar Bhuyan Prize, her subjects of specialisation are education & Modern Indian History.
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