Handedness, Cognitive Abilities, Personality And Hemisphericity
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Rs. 175.00
The neuropshychological researches acquire paramount importance in western countries, so far, psychological researches are concerned. Unfortunately, this area of enquiry remained to be an unexplored field in India. This is perhaps the first full-length study on the problems like Handedness. Cognitive Abilities, Personality and Hemisphericity. The value of this study lies in the fact that the author by developing her own inventory has tried to integrate these four aspects of human mechanism into one and its resultant on the human personality. The study tries to correlate handedness with cognitive abilitiy, personality and hemisphericity. The study is divided into six chapters like. Introduction, Review of Literatues, Development of Handedness Inventory, Methods and Material, Results and Discussions, conclusions and suggestions. The value of the present study for researchers lies in its fifth chapter i.e., Results and Discussions, conclusions and suggestions. The value of the present study for researchers lies in its fifth chapter i.e., Results and Discussion. The striking feature of the study is that it differs in its results and conclusions from Western researches in many ways. Based on highly sophisticated tools of research viz; one-way analysis of variance, Factor-analysis, and Discriminant function analysis. The study raises some interesting but controversial points on which the future researchers may ponder upon. At the end, the author has recommended some areas of enquiry related to this problem on which future researches could be conducted either to validate or reject the findings of the present study. If is likely to prove a highly useful book for neuropsychologists, neurologists and medical practioners.
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