Governance of Assam Power Section: Policy and Performance by Dr. Bikash Chandra Das
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The book is the outcome of an empirical study funded by ICSSR, New Delhi on the impact of the policy and institutional changes initiated in the power sector of Assam in the context of efficiency, equity and service delivery. The book has been prepared on the basis of extensive field survey with an objective of capturing the field reality with regard to the implementation of the policies made in post reform period. Apart from the secondary data, the experiences of implementers and the service recipients have been highlighted in a comparatives perspective through tables and diagrams. While many reports are based on mere statistical data, this book makes an effort to combine both by referring to the existing statistics and reports on the sector performance with the experiences of field visits, case studies, interviews, photographs and focused discussions with the officials and respondents. Household survey on service delivery has also been done extensively and actual operation of power plants, the challenges faced by them, various micro-privatization schemes particularly Franchisee systems etc, official’s visit to field to monitor the service have been highlighted which will be useful for the policy makers in the sector.
Dr Bikash Chandra Dash (b.1975), Associate Professor in Political Science, Assam Central University Diphu Campus has been working on the issue of public policy and governance with reference to power sector since last two decades. He has published few books and many empirical research papers on various public policy and governance issues. Dr Dash has published articles on gender issues, ethnic movements and on North East politics. Dr Dash has successfully guided several doctoral scholars and delivered many lectures in national and International seminars. Dr Dash has Post Graduate teaching experience of 15 years till date.
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