Genetic Demography And Anthropometry Of Muria Tribe
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Rs. 170.00
Muria of Narayanpur, a subgroup of Muria tribe of Bastar of M.P., is a fascinating tribe of India. They inhabit the foot of Abujmarh hills almost isolated from the main stream. The muria got prominence in anthropological literature after verrier Elwin, an Anthropologist of repute published an Anthropologist of repute published an ethnographic report on their Gotul system. after Ewin it is an appreciable attempt by the author to bring out an elaborate account of the people. In the book demography of the Murias is highlighted by describing the structure of population, fertility, morality and migration. Their marriage and mating pattern as well as anthropometric characters have also been brought under the purview of study. However, main focus of the study aims at understanding the evolutionary status of the people. It is a rare attempt by a scholar to cover such a big sample of more than 5000 persons in an empirical study. This book is the outcome of a regorous field work over a period of about one year. The large same size not only increase authenticity of the report but also helps to drawn forceful conclusions. The study has generated some basic information on tribes and will be useful both for academicians and administrators. The book will be also useful to the institutions like population research centres, health and family welfare training centres, University departments of Anthropology, Sociology, Demography, besides the Tribal Welfare Departments and implementation programmes at Ministry of Human Resources Development.
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