Family Planning Programme In India, Its Impact In Rural And Urban Area
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Population growth is a global problem. In India the problem is more acute because the country is very big and the population very large. The period of seventies chosen for the present study had significance because it witnessed tremendous achievements as well as divergent policy directives. It is beneficial to evaluate the performance after short intervals to that policies, implementation strategies and adaptation techniques can have data base which would help in their reframing, innovation and remoulding respectively. The present study by taking the help of micro analysis in the broader perspective of the programme tries to find out where the programme tries to find out where the programme stands. In some parts of India the programme is a success whereas in others it has not shown much progress. The study of the States in the light of social status and programme inputs tries to bring out the importance of social status. The programme needs to be taken with greater vigour with other development programmes so that social status of the country could be enhanced for better achievements. The field study clearly shows the pro-family planning attitude of the people and index knowledge to be favourable. The present need of the programme is to take people along with the programme. The programme needs to be made a ?people?s movement?. Once the people can feel the pinch of the population growth their cooperation would automatically give impetus to the movement.
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