Economic Inequality and Development of Nagaland by Chubakumzuk Jamir
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The idea of poverty is socially constructed, and poverty can take many different forms. Poverty is often thought of as a natural human condition, and one that can be easily measured using quantitative methods. Poverty can be said to exist in a given society when households do not attain a level of material well-being deemed to constitute reasonable minimum by the standards of that society. Multidimensional poverty index is an index designed to measure acute poverty. Around two-thirds of our people do not have the basics resources for survival. Most of the poor people live in rural areas, which have an extremely thin presence of basic facilities and government machinery. Nagaland as shown by the C. Rangarajan report exhibits that in 2011-12 the average monthly per capita consumption expenditure was 1229.83 for rural and Rs 1615.78 for urban areas, and the poverty level was 14 percent. In rural areas, persons below poverty line constitute 6.1 percent of the population with an absolute number of 80,000 persons and in urban areas it was 32.1 per cent of the population with 1.9 lakhs below the poverty line. In recent time Government of India highlighted that Nagaland is the highest rise in poverty level in India with 4.1 lakhs population living below poverty line in 2009-10, as against 1.7 lakhs in 2004-05. Therefore, the state is at a disadvantage in capitalizing on the well intended by Government of India, since there have been designed in the context of situation prevailing in India. Income Inequality is one of today’s most controversial and widely discussed issues. It can take a lot of forms: economic and others. According to Diaz-Gimenez, Quadrini and Rios-Rull labour earnings are defines as wages and salaries plus a fraction of business incomes. Income, on the other hand, consists of all kinds of pre-tax revenue, labour earning included. This book is going to focus on inequalities in income distribution, mainly because income is the most suitable in describing.
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