Drug Addiction And Environmental Pollution
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Rs. 295.00
Right from inception, that is while in uterus, foetus is protected in every possible way in spite of all the onslaughts of the mankind by the external environment. From environment to environment and culture to culture man rose to live in harmony with nature. But this is not so today. In the question for more materialistic prosperity man has disrobed the mother earth of its natural vanity its beauty. Man?s ugly creations has totally disturbed the natural environment-the earth, the air and the water pollution have increased to a zenith that man?s own survival has come at a stake.Pollution of environment in general is one issue but pollution of body and mind by unwarranted substances like alcohol and drugs, is a serious matter as it destroys the individual over a period of time when not used medicinally. Man is hastening his own destruction by abusing the socially and legally accepted, semi-accepted and banned drugs. It is the high time to take necessary corrective actions. In spite of having vision, man is unable to read to written on the wall as to when, where and how fast he wants his destruction. This destruction even through drugs, is entirely in his own hands. This is the message of the present volume.
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