Displacement And Rehabilitation
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Rs. 235.00
The problem of Displacement and Rehabilitation due to execution of development projects has been receiving constant attention in the recent past. A conservative estimate revealed that a population of about 160 lakhs were displaced and many more were affected indirectly due to implementation of various kinds of development projects. In the present book, Dr. Reddy has tried to explain the various dimensions of displacement and rehabilitation with special reference to NALCO and Upper Kolab Projects in Orissa. This is a pioneering atempt to provide over all patterns of socio-economic conditions, rehabilitation process adopted under selected projects. Measures for occupational rehabilitation, attitudes towards resettlement, working and living environment in the resettlement colonies etc. This study also incorporates the impacts caused by projects on the economy and society and measures the level of social transformation among the displaced families. As a further extension, the changes in community life, intra-family relations, leadership, etc. were also studied. Various measures for skill formation and employment generation are identified with a view to ensure participation of affected people in the change environment. Lastly, a set of policy recommendations are put forward for planned rehabilitation of people displaced/affected by large development projects. The bookwould arouse interest among scholars and researchers of Sociology, Anthropology and Regional Planning and will be of great use for policy planners and administrators who are associated with issues of rehabilitation measures.
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