Disadvantaged Children-Theory, Research And Educational Perspectives
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Education of Disadvantaged Children has become the centre of attention of Government and Community alike. The present book provides an operational framework for translating recommendations of National policy in Education, 1986, directives on education of the Disadvantaged groups. The concept of disadvantage has been analysed in terms defect, difference, and educational neglect, and education of SC, ST has been separately discussed in an ecological framework. The treatise is based predominantly on research conducted in Indian Society on cognitive, affective, motivation, personality, perceptual, language and achievement characteristics, and their antecedents in family environment and school. A framework, on teaching and intervention have been discussed with a focus on early childhood and school age with a view to mainstreaming the disadvantaged. A perspective of educational research for the education of the disadvantaged in terms of curriculum development, management, environment building and process oriented research contributing to theory, practice and policy formulation forms a significant aspect of this volume. With certain thematic concerns at the beginning of each chapter, the book focuses on highlights at the end for efficient processing of the content. The book is an indispensable help to postgraduate students in Psychology, Sociology, Social Work, Home Science, Researchers and aspirants in Civil Service Examinations. With the emergence of National Policy on Education 1986, and POA, 1992, education of Disadvantaged Children has become the centre of attention of Government and Community alike. Disadvantaged Children : Theory, Research and educational perspectives by Prof. K.C. Panda, addresses itself with sophisticated hardcore data and simplistic presentation : the concept of disadvantaged in India, using an ecological model, the identification tools; cognitive, effective and personality characteristics language, perception, motivation, highlighting the strengths than weaknesses; Family environment, educational strategies with particular focus on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes children. A major break through in this book unlike others, is the focus on intervention programmes, research perspectives in terms of curriculum development, management, environment building and processes. The ultimate aim is to promote effective mainstreaming of the disadvantaged children in Indian schools.The book is an indispensible aid to students of Psychology, Education, Social Work, Home Science, and students appearing in competitive examinations besides its use by researchers and planners in these field.
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