Construction And Standardisation Of Listening Comprehension Text
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The main objectives of the study conducted for completion of this project were (i) to standardise a test for assessing listening comprehension; (ii) to find out the common variance between the factors of listening comprehension and listening ability; (iii) to find out the sex wise differences in achievement on the constructed test; and (iv) to study the rural-urban culture and/or district influence on the achievement of pupils. Five factors namely, vocabulary, attention, memory (meaningful rote), auditory resistance and reasoning (inductive and deductive) were selected. For the primary tryout a battery of thirty-eight sub-tests was constructed involving these factors. All the thirty-eight tests were presented on tape recorder with equal percentage of male and female voices. The try out of the test was carried out on 100 students which consisted of 701 items. The pilot test was carried out on 466 pupils including both boys and girls from urban and rural areas of the std. VII in thirteen high schools of five districts. The thirty-eight tests were grouped under six main aspects namely, (i) listening to different situations (14 sub-tests), (ii) vocabulary test (5); (iii) attention tests (5), (iv) memory tests (7), (v) auditory resistance tests (5) (vi) reasoning tests (6). The items were subjected to items analysis. The finally selected thirty-four subjects with 360 items were again divided into two parallel forms A and B each with 180 items. The final forms were administered to both the sexes in rural and urban areas. The sample consisted of 1905 pupils for form A and 1943 pupils for form B.The findings show that socio-economic status of the pupils influenced the listening comprehension, the results being in favour of higher status. There was no significant difference between boys and girls in the performance on the test, whereas a significant difference was found between the performance of rural and urban students.
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