Bazigars Of Punjab
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Rs. 65.00
The Bazigars are a nomadic community residing in villages and in the peripheries of various towns of the Punjab. Numbering about half a million. They follow archaic customs and traditions in their social and cultural life. The present publication is the outcome of a study which analyses various aspects of Bazigar community in respect of social and demographic structure, occupations and income levels, attitudes and aspirations, awareness of various socio-economic measures taken up by the government for them and to suggest suitable programme for improving their lot. The study highlights the social and economic hardships the Bazigars are facing today. Most of the Bazigar families are poor and they mainly work as agricultural labourer. On the basis of communal relationship the status of Bazigars is higher than the other scheduled castes. They are strictly endogamous in marriage and follow the rules of clan exogamy. Number of children in a family is quite high, which may go up to seven. Also, the infant mortality is quite high. There community panchayat is very strong and it plays a significant role in solving disputes and conflicts within the community.
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