A Handbook Of Chemical Analysis
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Rs. 750.00
There are several books on Chemical Analysis and most of them include a great deal of introductory theory, which has been omitted from the our larger book because of space considerations. The net result is that this book contains the real content of synthetic drugs. The purpose in A Handbook of Chemical Analysis is to meet the needs of teachers who present this subject to students who do not have the time or perhaps the inclination to pursue it in depth, but who may also require explicit coverage of basic topics. This book, therefore, introduces material in an elementary fashion, and presents only the main facts. The point, however, is that this book does present the facts in a systematic way. One can appreciate the sound of music without knowing anything of musical theory although of course one?s appreciation is enhanced by knowing some theory. However, a book of musical theory, even if it is illustrated by audible snatches of themes and a few chord progressions, is quite unlike the hearing of a real composition in its entirety. A student who has read a book on ?Chemical Analysis? that consists almost entirely of theory and so-called principles, with but sporadic mention of the hard facts (only when they ?nicely? illustrate the ?principles?) has not, in actual fact, had a course in chemistry. This book avoids the current trend towards this way of teaching students who are not expected to specialise in the subject, and shows that even the non-specialist ought to get a straight dose of the subject.
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