A Collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads Relating To India and Neig... (14 Volumes)
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Rs. 13,500.00
As its tell-tale title suggests, it is a monumental work in fourteen volumes recording a collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads entered into by the erstwhile British Government of India with the native Indian States and the neighbouring countries. Each Volume has been so compiled as to give the various Treaties, Engage-ments and Sanads entered into with native States falling into one contiguous geographical area. Volumes I to X and XII fall into this category. Volumes XI, XIII and XIV deal with Treaties, Engagements, etc. with territories which now form part of foreign countries. Their destinies were however governed by the then British authority of India under the compulsion of the then prevailing forces of history. It is a work of immense historical value and research utility and undoubtedly a veritable mine of information equally for the historians, research scholars, statesmen, diplomats, public servants, educationists, administrators, and serious students of contemporary history. It will prove a valuable source of reference for government departments, public libraries and also libraries of all educational institutions of higher learning, including universities and colleges. A serious work of this kind will help stimulate more enterprising research on the source material provided in these volumes. They throw a flood of light on the evolution and expansion of the old British empire in this part of the world and the craft and the strategy employed by them before which the heterogeneous native states and their weak rulers were no match. They had thus no option but to acquiesce to the terms and conditions dictated to them. Such a useful work should be the proud possession of all concerned including research scholars, historians and libraries in India and abroad. DETAILS OF THE VOLUMES I. Punjab, Punjab States & Delhi II. United Provinces of Agra & Oudh, Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and The Central Provinces III. Rajputana IV. Central India Agency, Bhopal Agency & Southern States of Central & Malwa Agency V. Central India (Bundelkhand & Baghelkhand & Gwalior) VI. Western India States & Baroda VII. Bombay-Part-I, The Peshwa, the Mahi Kantha Agency & The Rewa Kantha Agency VIII. Bombay - Part - II, Kaira Agency, Surat Agency, Thana Agency, Kolaba Agency, Sholapur Agency, Poona Agency, Satara Agency, Bijapur Agency, Belgaum Agency, Dharwar Agency, Nasik Agency, Kolhapur Residency & Southern Mahratta Country States Agency and the Lapsed States IX. Hyderabad, Mysore & Coorg X. Madras & The Madras States XI. Aden & the South Western Coast of Arabia, The Arab Principalities in the Persian Gulf, Muscat (Oman), Baluchistan & The North-West Frontier Province XII. Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim, Assam & Burma XIII. Persia & Afghanistan XIV. Eastern Turkistan, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan & Siam
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